Study of Long Tails, Koh Nangyuan, Thailand
pencil in journal
December 29, 2010
Our vacation in Thailand was amazing, no less. I do not know how to describe the experience in its entirety just yet. Overall, heartbreaking and stunning. Here are some studies that I did while we were on the island Koh Nangyuan. I am looking down from our balcony for all three of these studies. Long tails are colorful boats with outbound motors, usually used as taxis. The bay was filled with them through the day. The front of the boats had a variety of colored tassels and flags. Because they moved quickly, turning around with new passengers, I had only seconds to capture the gestures, a great time for study.

Study, edge of Koh Tao, Turtle Island
watercolor and pen in sketchbook

Rocks Along the Dock at Koh Nangyuan
pencil in sketchbook
I made this drawing after three pages of long tail studies. The studies got me warmed up and I found the rocks to be wonderfully intriguing. The water lapping the edges and the sun defining the lines along the water made for an interesting afternoon of study. Rocks are one of my favorite subjects along with trees, now rocks with water ranks as a favorite. Just the day before the water of the Sea of Thailand and I had met each other in the Lomprayah High Speed Cadamaran meant to take people to paradise from Chumphon City. Usually it is a fast and comfortable one and a half hour ride. This one was eternity since my aneron (nausea medication) had worn off after the six hour bus ride. The sea was rough, very rough. During this drawing session from our balcony, I once again revered the water. Luckily our ride back to the mainland was a beautifully smooth aneron filled two hours.
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